Due to the size difference between a car and a bike, the cyclist generally doesn’t fare well. In some cases, this type of accident can even lead to paralysis and death. In Collette’s case, she has been in pain but will recover.
A Long, Expensive Recovery
For three months, Collette was in terrible pain after suffering from neck, head, and leg injuries. Wearing a neck brace and taking it easy, she still needed to go back to work. Unfortunately, the casino wouldn’t let her come back without first visiting a doctor for a CAT scan and a note to clear her for return to duty.As someone unable to work, she simply didn’t have the $275 needed to pay for the CAT scan.
The Sheriff’s Department Comes Through
The Broward County Sheriff’s Department had investigated Collette’s hit-and-run and was aware of her situation. That’s when the Broward Sheriff’s Office Victim Services Unit stepped in.To ensure that Collette could return to work, they paid her doctor’s bill. While it is going to take time for her to fully recover, they also wanted to enable her to have transportation again. The Sheriff’s Department bought her a brand-new bike and helmet so that she can continue to bike to work once she has recovered enough to do so.
The Sheriff’s Department really stepped in to help Collette when she needed it. At Lavent Law, PA, this is the same type of advocacy that we provide to clients who have been injured in an accident. The difference is that we provide help through the legal system and work to recover full settlements for accident victims.
Your Options After a Hit-and-Run
If you or someone you know has been injured in a hit-and-run accident, you have an uphill battle to face. Like Collette, you will probably be injured, in pain, and facing mounting medical bills. The challenge lies in knowing who to sue when the other driver fled the scene.The police can be a strong advocate and resource, working to help identify and locate the other driver. Sometimes there are witnesses, traffic cameras, and other forms of evidence available to aid the police in locating the at-fault driver. If found, you then have the option to file a personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for your injuries and property damage.
Fortunately, in Florida, drivers are required to carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. This is a good thing, because it means that if you are hurt in a hit-and-run, you can recover financial damages through your own insurance policy. How much you are awarded will depend on your particular policy, but having an attorney represent you can help you get the most compensation possible for your injuries, regardless of the situation.
Help from a Miami Bicycle and Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney
If you’ve been hurt in a bicycle or car accident, you deserve a settlement that covers all of your injuries and expenses. Get the help you need by working with Lavent Law, PA. We seek compensation for the injured and will aggressively pursue the settlement you need to enable your recovery. Give us a call at 305-440-0450 or reach us through the contact form below.The post Broward County Sheriff’s Department Helps Victim of Hit-and-Run Bicycle Accident appeared first on Attorney Boris Lavent.
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